Richard Y. Morita
U.S. Army - 442nd R.C.T.
World War II

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Richard Y. Morita, Ph.D., Prof. emeritus (Microbiology & Oceanography at OSU). WWII US Army Veteran.

Published 1 book, co-edited two books and laboratory manuals, 134 papers in referred journals, 52 chapters in books, and 5 reviews. Two genera of bacteria (Moritella & Paramoritella) named in his honor.

Distinguished Visiting Professsor, Kyoto University. Galathea Medal and Ribbon by King of Denbmark. Receipient of Queen Elizabeth II Fellowship (Australia).

Honorary Member, American Society of Microbiology. Mentored 15 Ph.D. students, 21 M. S. students, 9 postdoctorates, and 20 visiting professors. Lectured extensively in U. S., but also in Great Britain, Norway, Sweden, German, Netherlands, France, Portugal, Spain, Isreal, Brazil, Chile, Mexico, Canada, Australia and Japan.

Toshiko N. Morita, PhD. Forfitted a career in Academia due to the "nepotism" rule, created during the Great Depression. This nepotism was still in existence until about 1970 at OSU. Published ca. 20 papers in immunology.

Branches Of Service
  • U.S. Army
  • World War II